Meet The Crime Traveller

The Crime Traveller / Meet The Crime Traveller

Ed Prutschi is a criminal defence lawyer in Toronto, Canada practicing at the law firm of Adler Bytensky Prutschi Shikhman

When not completely absorbed by the rigours of his trial practice, Ed revels in grabbing his camera and setting off on adventures around the world: thus was born The Crime Traveller.  A frequent partner on his travels is the aptly named, Crime Traveller’s Wife, along with their two daughters.

Ed has published travel columns for the Precedent magazine, Travel Lovers, Yummy Mummy Club, and Urban Moms.  He’s the Chief Legal Analyst for NewsTalk1010 radio in Toronto and has brought his engaging style to the airwaves with his monthly Crime Traveller feature on The NightSide the last Tuesday of each month from 9:00-9:30pm. You can share and enjoy his photostream on Flickr.

Ed welcomes comments, suggestions, stories or travel invitations. Follow Ed on twitter or e-mail him at


The Crime Traveller and his wife scramble up the Alyeska glacier in Alaska.


About me

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Ed Prutschi is a criminal defence lawyer in Toronto, Canada practicing at the law firm of Adler Bytensky Prutschi. When not completely absorbed by the rigours of his trial practice, Ed revels in grabbing his camera ..