Travel Photography

The Crime Traveller / Travel Photography

In this space, I share with you slideshows showcasing highlights from trips around the world…and across the street. You can probably guess as to the timing of the various trips by watching my limited photographic skills improve with age. Enjoy!

On a trip to Ecuador I returned with my eldest daughter to my ancestral roots visiting Ambato, the birth city of my father. We toured Quito, the capitol, and made a short visit to the resort town of Banos before spending a week at sea for a Galapagos cruise.

The culmination of a lifelong dream, I had the opportunity to travel with my wife and daughters into the heart of Africa for an incredible experience. We enjoyed a traditional safari, visited a local school, interacted with the indigenous Maasai, woke up before dawn for a balloon ride over the Serengeti, and relaxed on the shores of Zanzibar.


Cruising may not fit the definition of off-the-beaten-track adventure travelling but even heartiest adventurer should enjoy the simplicity and marvel of a vacation aboard the luxury of a floating city once in a while.


The Vancouver Olympic Winter Games in 2010 provided an outstanding opportunity to play with fast shutter speeds and experiment with exposure compensation.  Check out some of my favourite pics here.


When one of the world’s most luxurious resorts invited me to St. Lucia for a four-night stay at the exclusive Jade Mountain, I packed my camera bag and jetted off without hesitation.

On this trip to Costa Rica we spent two weeks criss-crossing the country travelling by van, ocean kayak, sea kayak, and boat while spending our nights in diverse accomodations that included from 5-star spa luxury, jungle lodges, and beach-side camping.

Vacations by the beach are over-rated. In the summer of 2009, we packed our toques and mittens and headed north to enjoy two weeks exploring Alaska.

Not every vacation needs to be hundreds of kilometres away from home nor does it need to last multiple weeks. Here are some photos from a one-night two-day Serengeti Bush Camp program operated by our local, and wonderful, Toronto Zoo.

A rare repeat stop on The Crime Traveller’s globe-trotting is the extremely kid-friendly Coconot Bay Resort & Spa in St. Lucia.

While it doesn’t sound exciting, a family celebration in Voorhees, New Jersey turned out to be the perfect opportunity to enjoy some travelling time with the kids.

It’s hard to argue with their motto: everyone does indeed love Marineland in Niagara Falls, Ontario.


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Ed Prutschi is a criminal defence lawyer in Toronto, Canada practicing at the law firm of Adler Bytensky Prutschi. When not completely absorbed by the rigours of his trial practice, Ed revels in grabbing his camera ..